Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric restorative dentistry refers to the practice of restoring the function and integrity of a tooth that has been impacted by trauma or by the effects of dental caries (cavities); using the appropriate materials and techniques for restorative dentistry in children and adolescents. Here at Aurora Kids Dentistry, we use several dental procedures to restore cracked and decayed teeth. These  effective procedures aid in restoring and maintaining your child’s oral health. 

Restorative dentistry aurora kids dentistry

Stainless Steel Crowns (SSC)

Stainless steel crowns protect the baby molars (back teeth) that are decayed or did not form properly.

The primary function of a stainless steel crown is to cover a restored tooth to its normal size and prevent further damage.


As parents we all want what is best for our children. So learning your child has tooth decay can be worrisome, but if the tooth will fall out eventually out why fix it? Untreated dental caries, even baby teeth, can have negative effects for both you and your child.

No need to panic, cavities in baby teeth can be treated just like permanent teeth; we will restore your child’s teeth using composite filling material also known as white filling material.  Our pediatric dentists will help set your child up for a lifetime of good oral health with our restorative dentistry.

Pulp Therapies

Did you know pulpectomies and pulpotomies  (root canal on baby teeth)  are common procedures performed on primary (baby) teeth?  Pulp therapies are needed to save a severely infected tooth.

The goal of pulp therapies is to avoid the loss of a tooth. If a primary tooth is left untreated and no pulp therapies are performed, the decay can affect the permanent tooth.


Once a baby tooth is decayed beyond repair, we may recommend an extraction in order to repair and maintain good oral health.  An extraction may also be necessary if an adult tooth is erupting behind a baby tooth. 

After a baby tooth is removed, a space maintainer may be necessary in order to maintain the space for the permanent tooth. 

Aurora Kids Dentistry

Pediatric Specialty Office

Phone: (905) 726-8213